This application has been developed by the Embassy of Bangladesh in Doha for receiving applications online and facilitating payment of consular fees through payment gateway. Your signing up shall be considered as an acceptance of the terms and conditions as well as a personal approval of the privacy policy which forms a part of terms and conditions.
The Embassy of Bangladesh, Doha respects the privacy of its service seekers with utmost importance and is committed to provide a secure electronic environment. The Embassy shall ask the service seekers to share information and the Embassy shall use them only in connecction with processing and delivery of its various consular services. The electronic data and documents under the control of the Embassy of Bangladesh shall be part of official correspondce of the Mission as governed by the relevant sections of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963.
The Embassy is not liable for any financial loss of the users incurred due to lack of general knowledge on the part of the service seekers about protocol against hacking and other forms of online fraudulent activities. Any service seekers/user of this application who are involved in forgery shall be subject to prosecution as per the law of Qatar and the relevant international law.
No one can access and use the application for any purpose other than that of the intended purpose. The application can not be used for commercial purpose without approval from the Embassy of Bangladesh, Doha. As a user of this application, you agree not to-
Exploitation and cheating of the service seekers by any user, company or agent shall be subject to prosecution as per the law of the State of Qatar and relavant international law.
Bangladesh Embassy, Doha preserves the rights of all contents of the application comprising programs and information subject to protection by the international laws of Intellectual property rights.